Coffee Lab Blogs — coffee lab

Coffee Lab Enters the Aurora Taste Challenge

Coffee Lab Enters the Aurora Taste Challenge

Coffee Lab entered the international Aurora taste challenge and was able to secure Gold placements for the flagship Coffee Lab blends.

The Story of Coffee Lab

The Story of Coffee Lab

Coffee Lab was started by Stefan and Wehrner Gutstadt in 2009, when after much searching their craving for high quality coffee remained unsatisfied.

Small batch coffee roasting hadn't taken off yet in South Africa, so the daunting and fairly unchartered notion to roast one's own green coffee beans was a tall order. Nevertheless, they applied their expertise in researching machine manufacturers to establish a suitable tool for the job.

Diedrich quickly became the leading choice, thanks to their detail driven focus. Software developed specially for roasting supports the process and allows for consistency to be at the fore. Roasting coffee is...

Coffee Lab Colours and Coffee Flavour Wheel

Coffee Lab Colours and Coffee Flavour Wheel

Coffee Lab Colours

Coffee Lab made a colourful transition from black and white into a swirl of colours. The vibrant colour flow blends into the Grafitti art and the coffee labels.

Breaking Down the Coffee Color Wheel

Scroll down, and you’ll get a glimpse of the coffee world Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel. It is a visually appealing chart showing a vast array of coffee taste notes.

Created in 1995. The chart is a collective work of scientists, researchers, coffee experts, roasters and coffee drinkers. Any coffee lover can use the chart and apply its descriptors to a good cup of coffee.


Fathers Day | June 2022

Fathers Day | June 2022

Fathers Day | June 2022

Fathers Day is here and we are working on something special. Fathers play a big role in our lives and often guide our homes along the right path. A fathers love is guiding, disciplinary and stern but at the same time also overflowing in every way. 

Dad's are the pillars of strength in our households and ensuring that their mornings are easier than ever is the least we can do for them; that is why we believe, a strong, excellent cup of coffee to start off their day is crucial for success. 

Coffee Lab has...